Herbs in May

On Tuesday I decided to take a short drive to the local Farm shop, all in search of Cheshire potatoes. Of course as I was there anyway I had a little mooch in the greenhouse. It was completely empty and I had a lovely stroll round and picked up a few herbs.

I bought some Lavender, Apple mint, Spearmint, Curry plant and a horseradish. I picked up some more compost and topsoil so I could fill up the new planter that Tony had made. After mooching in the farm shop I picked up our new potatoes and grabbed some rhubarb stalks to make a Rhubarb crumble, before heading home.

After filling up the planter, adding a mix of topsoil, compost, tea leaves and crushed eggshell, I planted the herbs. The horseradish was put into the largest pot we had.

After venturing out to do the weekly shop I picked up some Coriander which I put into the small planter and another Lavender plant. This one I put in a pot by the front door (another deterent for bugs….hopefully).

In other news from the garden, we decided to take the nets off the raised beds, as the seedlings were starting to get caught in it. Well that was a mistake, the birds have killed a lot off. So we need to think of a solution soon before we have nothing that is salvageable. We will let you know what we come up with next time.

That’s all for today I will post some pictures of the Rhubarb crumble tomorrow.

Stay safe and stay well.

Kiera and Tony

2 thoughts on “Herbs in May

    • No I’ve never managed to keep it going. I suppose it depends if it seeds and spreads well enough with it being an annual. To be honest this was a supermarket one that I’m hoping might seed, but probably won’t 😂. I’ll probably end up growing it from seed if it doesn’t work. I have a couple of ideas for the short term to stop the birds, but it’s all a learning curve for us this year. Next year we will have learnt A LOT on what not to do when growing veg lol 😂 x

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